2020.05.19 ACP Recital/Show: Sydney Miller, Justina Chen

Sydney Miller

Justina Chen

Hi! My name is Justina and this is my first ACP recital. It’s strange for me to think that just a few months ago school was in session and the world was normal in many aspects. The entire school year I thought about my impending ACP recital which I was both scared and excited for. To be honest, the part of the recital I was most nervous for was the actual oral presentation aspect of it. This quarantine has given me a new perspective on art and helped me to realize that I was more eager for my ACP recital than I thought. I have realized these past few months how much art is a de-stressing pastime for me. Sometimes throughout the course of this school year I have gotten so caught up in other things that I have put art slightly to the side; however, during this strange time I have been able to create art with a new outlook and make time to create versus attempting to be efficient on work in order to leave time for art. To me there is a clear difference between making time and leaving time for something. Making time means allocating a specific time in order to pursue whatever it is that you want whereas leaving time means in many aspects hoping that there will be enough time. I think as I move forth with high school, I am going to be able to better make time for art and not put it to the side. When I was younger and more carefree I would argue, art was something I did without even thinking about it. I hope in the future I will be able to see art in that more carefree lense. These pieces of art I have selected are meant to represent the way I see art and how I have progressed as an artist. This year in class, we focused a lot on color and composition. This has allowed me to better consider empty space and what I want people to focus on when they see my art. I think that this year as a whole has been a large learning experience for me in terms of art. I hope whoever chooses to read this chaotic mess I have written also is able to have some sort of creative spark during this world pandemic which has caused pain and hurt for so many people.

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